
Natural Remedies for Itchy Dogs

  Saturday, 7 May 2011 Dog Itchy Skin Itchy dog skin affects many more dogs these days than in the past.  This could be due to more allergens, such as pollens and pollution, in the air, more artificial or natural chemicals in their processed dog food etc. This article is written to aid you in finding the most helpful solution for you and your dog.  For more details to help solve the problem of your dog's itchiness, please take a look at my other blog  click here to see Below are some ideas and possible solutions to help you with your dog's problems.  It is best to first try and get a diagnosis from your Vet, so that you have an idea of what you are dealing with.  But, like everything, if you catch it early then hopefully it won't get worse. Evening Primrose oil or Flax Seed oil Capsules of Evening Primrose oil or Flax Seed oil may be helpful for dogs with eczema as they can be added to food.  Fish oils and Evening Primrose Oil or a mixture of both as in EfaVet prescribed by